Recruitment and Selection Process

We operate in the greater Lisbon area, but also in the national and international market, using a proven Recruitment and Selection process as our work methodology.


Survey of the role requirements and skills profile of the professional to be hired;
Social, cultural and family background of the candidate to be admitted;
Process scheduling.


Recruitment & Interviews
Enabling recruitment sources: Ads, Database and Networking;  
Screening and analysis of the curriculum, according to the profile required;
Interviewing and assessing candidates.


Selection Process Preparation
References confirmation;
Qualitative individual assessment report;
Presentation of shortlisted candidates to the client.


Conclusion of Recruitment and Selection Process by the Client
Conducting interviews;
Final selection of the candidate;
Setting up starting date and contract terms;
Criminal records and certificates requisition.


Follow up
Client follow-up / candidate satisfaction

Prices and Conditions

The recruiting and selection of a candidate begins when the process is initiated and ends when the candidate is selected and starts working at the Client’s home.
Family First fees concern the process of recruitment and selection of a candidate, for both permanent and occasional jobs. This is different depending on location, professional category and requested time frame.Through personalized consultation, we develop recruitment and selection processes in the corporate segment and internationally.

Check our conditions
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